1. Who are the consulting doctors?

All the doctors are registered medical practitioners. Along with qualifying degrees - experience, research and track-record of practice are considered before a doctor is taken on board Clepios Health.

2. Will the doctor be able to resolve my issue?

Our certified doctors will give you expert advice on your problem and help you identify next steps which may include further tests, recommendation for a medical course and / or lifestyle tips. Our doctors may ask to share earlier pictures or reports, for a conclusive diagnosis.

3. Is my consultation private with my doctor?

Privacy of data is one of the fundamental human rights and we at Clepios Health understand that. All information shared including your medical history and consultation are completely private and confidential. We are compliant with industry standards to ensure your consultations are securely stored.
100% Privacy Guaranteed

All information including consultations and reports are completely confidential.

Accredited Doctors

Our exhaustive network of doctors and specialists are all highly qualified and certified.


Get the best of new age medical care anytime, anywhere, at your convenience, without having to wait in rush hour queues.